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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

What will my child learn in year 9?

Term 1

Changing China

  • Describing the location and characteristics of China.
  • Examining the key social, economic, and environmental changes in China. 
  • Assessing the environmental consequences of rapid industrialisation in China.

Term 2

Oceans on the Edge

  • Describing the distribution and value of marine ecosystems.
  • Examining the threats facing marine ecosystems.
  • Assessing methods for managing conflict in marine ecosystems

Term 3

Terrible Tectonics

  • Examining the internal structure of the Earth.
  • Investigating processes taking place on different plate boundaries.
  • Assessing the management of named tectonic hazards.

Term 4

Fabulous Fieldwork

  • Describing the location and characteristics of our local fieldwork area: Sittingbourne.
  • Practicing a range of fieldwork techniques linked to the need for regeneration in our local area.
  • Assessing the regeneration plans for Sittingbourne High Street against measures of sustainability.

Term 5

Challenges of an Urbanising World (GCSE)

  • Examining the causes and challenges of rapid urban change.
  • Investigating why the quality of life varies within Mumbai.
  • Assessing how the quality of life in Mumbai could be improved

Term 6

Challenges of an Urbanising World (GCSE): Case Study Mumbai

  • Examining the site and situation of a named megacity in an emerging country: Mumbai, India.
  • Investigating why the quality of life varies within Mumbai.
  • Assessing how the quality of life in Mumbai could be improved.