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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

What will my child learn in year 12?

Term 1

Law Making and Delegated Legislation

To be able to explain briefly how laws are made. To be able to explain the types of delegated legislation used in the UK (Bylaws, Statutory Instruments and Orders in Council), who makes them and why they are used.  To explain the controls used for delegated legislation and the advantages and disadvantages of its use.

To be able to explain the approaches to Statutory Interpretation in the court system (Literal rule, Golden Rule, Mischief Rule and Purposive Approach).  To be able to explain the aids to interpretation including the rules of language and internal/external aids.  To explain the advantages and disadvantages of each approach of interpretation and of each aid.   To be able to explain the criminal courts and appeals systems.  To be able to explain the role of a jury in a criminal trial including qualification and selection.  To be able to explain the role of magistrates in the legal system, including training; appointment; selection and qualification.  To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of lay people in the criminal justice system.

Term 2

Criminal Liability including Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Causation, Strict Liability


To be able to explain the underlying principles of criminal liability including; Actus reus, Mens Rea, Causation, Strict Liability.  To be able to explain how these apply to scenarios.

Term 3

Murder and Voluntary Manslaughter (Diminished Responsibility and Loss of Control), Criticisms of these areas


To be able to explain the common law of murder and the statutory defences of diminished responsibility and loss of control.  To be able to accurately identify these defences and apply them to a scenario in examination conditions.  To be able to identify and explain areas of concern with these laws and how they are applied.


Involuntary Manslaughter including Unlawful Act Manslaughter and Gross Negligence Manslaughter. Review and criticism of Non-Fatal offences, General Defences


To be able to explain the law on unlawful and gross negligence manslaughter. To be able to correctly and accurately identify these offences in a problem scenario and to explain and apply the offence to the scenario in exam conditions.  To be able to recall and explain the law on non-fatal offences and accurately apply to a scenario.  To be able to write an extended piece explaining the problems with the law on non-fatal offences and how this should be addressed by Parliament

Term 4

To be able to explain the offences of assault, battery, s.47, s.20 and s.18 of the Offences Against the Person Act.  To be able to apply these to scenarios, correctly identifying the offence, the actus reus and mens rea and the likely outcome. To be able to explain how a duty of care is owed, apply this to a scenario including the duty elements, breach of duty and causation.  To be able to explain the underlying principles of civil liability.  To be able to explain the criminal court structure and sentencing procedures including the factors courts will consider.

- General Defences, Criticisms of defences, Criticisms of Non-Fatal Offences

To be able to explain and apply each of the general defences (Insanity, Self Defence, Automatism, Consent and Intoxication) and to correctly identify them in a scenario.  To be able to accurately discuss the elements that need to be satisfied for a defence to be successful. To be able to explain the issues with the current law on two of these defences and non-fatal offences in an extended essay.

Offences against property - Theft, Robbery,

To be able to explain the elements of the offences of theft, robbery To correctly and accurately identify and explain each section and apply to a scenario, using case law to support your answer.

Term 5

Tort -Damage, Damages and Civil Court Systems.


To be able to explain how to prove liability in tort and how to rectify a breach through compensation.  To be able to explain the three track court systems and how cases are assigned.  To be able to demonstrate understanding in examinations.

Negligence, nuisance, occupier’s liability and vicarious liability

Term 6

Concepts of Law - Law and Morality, Law and Justice and Law and Fault

Students will need to understand, explain and discuss in a one hour essay each of the concepts.  For Law and Morality students will need to explain the distinction between law and morals; the diversity of moral views in a pluralist society; the relationship between law and morals and its importance and the legal enforcement of moral values.  For Law and Justice Students will be able to explain the theories of justice, the extent to which substantive legal rules, legal institutions and processes achieve justice of create barriers to justice. For Law and Fault students will be able to explain the meaning of fault and its importance in civil and criminal law