Steven Camden Writing Workshop
On Tuesday 20th September we had a workshop with a local writer called Steven. The point of the workshop was to help us with the competitions.
On Tuesday 20th September we had a workshop with a local writer called Steven. The point of the workshop was to help us with the competitions.
In my opinion, the workshop was very helpful and we were not just there sitting and listening, we got to interact and discuss.
I really enjoyed that the workshop wasn’t about just thinking up ideas, it was about using real life situations to create our own personal stories. The conversations that were going on were really helpful and meaningful, even when telling our embarrassing stories. Hearing everyone’s ideas and listing to them meant that for a lot of my friends and myself it really sparked an idea to help us start our stories.
The thing I most enjoyed was how fast a pace we were going at, as it didn’t give me much time to criticize my own ideas. The workshop was like,
A question!
- bam!
Then an answer!
I think that Steve Camden’s idea is that loads of people have really great ideas, but the brain just finds a way to keep criticising it until you feel demotivated or forget about. The day really helped me realise there isn’t really such thing as a bad thought, because sometimes you can take one little sentence or idea and change it into a whole story.
Overall, as a new member of Fulston Manor, and this being my first visitor, I would call the day really motivational and inspiring.
Overview of the Day:
Students partook in a range of activities including mindmapping characters and the relationships between them, generating ideas through rhyme, and sharing their embarrassing stories to look for the writing material in the moments of their everyday lives. Steve Camden commented that:
“To work with so many students, across the full range of year groups, all excited by and eager to write stories, was fantastic.
Engaged and supportive staff, led by the brilliant Miss Mulligan, gave the sessions the relaxed and open atmosphere I think is essential for sharing ideas.
I loved it, and sat on my train home with a handful of new ideas and AMAZING first lines.
A sixth former, Morgan Gray, who took part in the experience, added:
“I was so excited for the writers competition knowing that I've got a chance to get a piece of my work out there, but now I am even more excited because of the brilliant workshops we have been given. Steven Camden’s writing workshop was so energetic, engaging and got me thinking of totally new ideas for my short story "A Complicated Friendship". I am so grateful to be introduced to a writer who has the same passion as me."
(For students interested in Camden’s books, both ‘Tape’, aimed at 13 year olds, and ‘It’s About Love’, aimed at around 16-17 years of age, can be found on Amazon.)