Online Performing Arts Workshops Are A Huge Success!

Lockdown inevitably had a huge effect on our Performing Arts industry throughout the country and our hearts went out to all of the professional performers who were so suddenly out of work. However, here at Fulston we are very lucky to have amazing Performing Arts teachers who continually ran workshops for our budding thespians and musicians. Miss Tarrant explained “During the school closure, the Performing Arts Department hosted a series of workshops for students in Year seven right through to Sixth Form. The sessions focused on a range of different skills which included learning dance choreographies from professionals who have starred in the West End to enhancing composition and performance skills from lecturers at Lincoln University. There was also a drama workshop where students were given the opportunity to craft and perform their own monologues to a professional actor. All of these workshops gave students the opportunity to experience working directly with amazing professionals from the world of performing arts. We are eternally grateful for the help and support which they gave”.
The students were more than impressed. Year 12 Owen Foster said “The workshops have all been a great learning experience as well as being a good opportunity to learn things and push myself out of my comfort zone’ . Phoebe Wood agreed “All of the workshops were a learning curve for me which I will take with me in the future. They were a good experience that I will never forget’
Year 9 student, Laine Coetzer commented “I really enjoyed the drama workshop and it was a great opportunity that I’m glad I got to be a part of”.