Sports Day 2021!
On Wednesday 23rd June our PE department were delighted to resume hosting their annual Sports Day, where our four Houses (Cromer, Hales, Morrison and Stanhope) compete for lower school (Years 7 & 8) and upper school (Years 9 & 10) trophies across several of the traditional Olympic track and field athletic events. We were very fortunate to have ideal conditions for the competitors; the very pleasant weather made for a great spectacle and no doubt assisted our athletes in the quality of their performances. All of the students who competed on the day epitomised the school ethos of ‘Everybody Matters, Everybody Succeeds, Everybody Helps’; no matter their ability, their level of fitness, their level of experience, their apprehension about performing in front of a large audience, all the students who participated embodied the qualities that are a major strength of our school. As I said at the close of competition, everybody contributed in some way, be it staff, competitor or spectator, to make Sports Day a memorable day.
This was the first whole school event of its kind since the March 2020 national lockdown began and for many students Sports Day was possibly the highlight of their last 15 months; to have been able to bring some joy and happiness to these children has given so much pleasure to the staff here at Fulston Manor, not least my colleagues and I in the PE department. As Nelson Mandela once said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair.” I could not think of a more fitting statement in the circumstances.
Thank you again to all the staff and Sixth Form students for their help, co-operation and camaraderie in the build up to and during Sports Day.
Mr Gardner