Jenner Bowls Us Over By Winning 8 out of 8 Matches

Year 13 Fulston Manor School student, Isaac Jenner, continues to wow the crowds with his sporting prowess on the Bowling circuit. Playing over the weekend of 11th and 12th September Isaac, 17, was a formidable opponent playing 8 different finals and winning all 8. Playing for Milton Regis Bowls Clubs, he took the lead in the Open Singles, Handicap Singles, 2 bowl Singles, 2 bowl singles, 101 up open singles, League pairs, 2 bowl pairs, Open drawn triples and the Civic cup (Medway competition 4 players in a team).
Isaac said “ It was a great weekend and I was playing really well. It was fantastic to win match after match”. Mrs Sarah Palmer, spokesperson for Fulston said “ Isaac has now transferred to indoor bowls for the winter season. We have watched Isaac grown into an incredible player and always look forward to hearing of his triumphs. We look forward to seeing where his future bowling career takes him”.