Year 7 Canterbury Tales...

On Thursday 9th and Friday 10th March the Year 7s and the History department ventured to Canterbury for the day to experience the sights and sounds.
As part of their work this term, Year 7 have been focusing on the History of Canterbury and how it has developed since the Roman era. In order to make this come to life the students and teachers travelled there for the day to visit the Cathedral and experience a tour of the City Centre led by Mr McCutcheon and Mrs Sharman. Though not quite the snow that we have experience the previous day, the weather did prove to be challenging.
Constant downpours and gale force winds made the walking tour around the city difficult but the Year 7s were exceptionally well behaved throughout and used it to add to the fun. Mr McCutcheon led the groups to the Stone Keep Castle, a Roman burial site, the site of an amphitheatre and even the guest house where Elizabeth I stayed on her 40th birthday. Students also enjoyed a tour of the Cathedral where they showed off their amazing knowledge of Thomas Becket and the Medieval period. The students amazed the tours guides, with one even emailing the school to let us know how impressed he was. What a fantastic couple of days the History department had with Year 7, we look forward to doing it again next year!