Breaktime And Lunchtime
We have a break and lunchtime timetabled into each school day. This is your time to unwind, relax and see your friends. Your house area will be open for you to get things from your locker, use the toilet and, most importantly, get something to eat.
Our friendly catering team will serve drinks and snacks at break time and again at lunch, along with a healthy hot meal. All food and drink are paid for using our cashless system, which can be preloaded with money by your parents and carers. No cash is accepted in school.
Certain areas of our school are open at break and lunchtimes for students to play and socialise with their friends. These include our tennis courts and school field, but can sometimes be closed or out-of-bounds due to poor weather or other school activities, so make sure you check the Tutor Notices each morning.
We also have an extensive range of extracurricular clubs and activities that take place each day both after school and at lunchtime. Check out our timetable to see which clubs are on each day!
Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities