Computing Team
Mrs N Outa |
Head of Computing |
Mr A Kite |
Teacher of Computing |
Dr O Bean
Teacher of Computing
Our Curriculum Intent
Our KS3 curriculum, Year 7 to 9, intends to provide students with the key skills and knowledge of computing disciplines. The scheme of work has been designed to ensure that it is relevant to the modern, ever-changing digital world and designed to boost computing skills essential for the 21st century. Students will not only learn how computers work, but how to program them. The topics covered will adequately prepare them for progression into GCSE courses offered by the department.
Our GCSE in Computer Science builds on our KS3 curriculum. Relevant to the modern, changing world of computing, it’s designed to boost computing skills essential for the 21st century.
The OCR specification focuses on:
• Computational thinking as its core, helping students to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand human and machine intelligence
• Applying the academic principles they learn in the classroom to real-world systems in an exciting and engaging way
• Giving students a clear progression into higher education, as the course was designed after consultation with members of BCS, CAS and top universities.
The content of the qualifications offered have been developed in consultation with academics to ensure that they incorporate the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to enable progression to higher education.
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Computing
This course allows students to gain fundamental knowledge and skills in Computer Science, computer systems, IT security and App Development. This will enable students to progress to broader or more specialist study such as a BTEC Higher National in a computing discipline, a degree in a Computing or where computing-related skills and knowledge may be advantageous, such as Business Studies.
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
This course is designed for students who are interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in IT. Students will develop a common core of IT knowledge and study areas such as the relationship between hardware and software that form an IT system, managing and processing data to support business and using IT to communicate and share information.
What Will Students Learn In Each Year?
What will my child learn in Year 7?
Computer Science
Students have a lesson each week dedicated to Computer Science, beginning with designing a computer game for a competition organised by BAFTA, before moving onto understanding algorithms and learning how to program using Scratch. Understanding the internal workings of a computer and developing the programming using Small Basic. Finally, students will learn about Cyber Security.
Term 1
BAFTA Young Gamers
- To learn about the evolution of Gaming
- To understand how to explore games and identify features
- To understand how to analyse existing games
- To understand and make use of the Computational Thinking terms
- Be able to utilise a range of features from various games in order to finalise your idea
- To understand how to design your game
- Be able to identify events and actions
- Be able to understand and apply branding to your game
- To learn about how to prepare a pitch
Term 2
Flowol Algorithms
- Understanding Algorithm and examples
- Identify control flowchart symbols and understand how they are used to describe systems
- Understanding Flowol software
- Understand how the use of subroutines can make programs more efficient
- Understand what a variable is and explain how variables can be used to control systems
Term 3
Scratch Programming
- Understand that Scratch is a programming environment and understand what is meant by an algorithm
- Create a sprite and write code to make it move
and bounce
- Write algorithms which use variables to hold values
- Annotate a program with comments
- Understand the purpose of repeat loops and procedures (“broadcasts”)
- Understand the use of the operators <, =, >, and,
or, not
- Learn how to add sound to a Scratch game
Term 4
Build a Paper Laptop
- Distinguish between hardware and software
- Give examples of computer hardware and software
- Suggest appropriate input and output devices for a simple scenario
- Explain what RAM and ROM are used for
- Explain the purpose of a Motherboard
- Understand the purpose of a CPU and fan
- Understand the purpose of secondary storage and expansion cards
Term 5
Small Basic Programming
- Learn how to write and run a simple Small Basic program using turtle graphics
- To use a For..EndFor loop to repeat a series of instructions several times
- To use variables in a program
- To draw different shapes using turtle graphics
- To use selection statements If…Then and If…Then…Else
- To use the RandomNumber function
- To use a While…EndWhile loop
Term 6
Cyber Security
- Know what Python is and some of the applications it is used for
- Run a simple Python program in Interactive mode using the input and print functions
- Understand what a syntax error is and how to interpret an error message
- Understand the use and value of using comments
- Understand the importance of using correct data types: string, integer or float
- Write a program involving input, calculation
and output Use selection statements if, else and elif in a program
- Use a while loop in a program
IT and Digital Literacy
Students have a lesson every two weeks dedicated to ICT and will begin with learning how to use a computer safely and responsibly, following on from this they will develop some basic techniques within MS Excel and finally produce a Multi-Media Presentation.
Term 1 and 2
Using Computer Safely Responsibly
- To learn to manage files in File Explorer and the importance of backup, dangers of social networking sites, how to respond to threats on the Internet, how to keep your identity secure on the Internet
- Send, respond to emails and send image files before
- Learn how to use a “search engine” effectively and efficiently
- Appreciate that there is no guarantee that the information on the Internet is accurate
Term 3 and 4
Spreadsheet Modelling
- To learn how to use Excel
- To know the techniques needed to generate a spreadsheet – inputting numbers, formatting, formulae, vlookups, and inserting pictures
- To understand the importance of using techniques to allow your spreadsheet to update automatically
- To complete a project based on what you have learnt
Term 5 and 6
Multi-media Presentation
- To be learn how to source, edit, create appropriate images and sounds
- To learn how to use a consistent use of a range of text
- To learn how to use Transitions/animations appropriate and add to presentation
- To learn how to use consistent, relevant and appropriate/clear information
- To learn how add a menu, using hyperlinks
What will my child learn in Year 8?
Computer Science
Students have a lesson each week dedicated to Computer Science, beginning with developing their programming knowledge using Small Basic, designing an app, before moving onto HTML programming and learning how to construct algorithms. Finally, students will learn about Cyber Security.
Term 1
Flowol Algorithms
- Understanding Algorithm and examples
- Identify control flowchart symbols and understand how they are used to describe systems
- Understanding Flowol software
- Understand how the use of subroutines can make programs more efficient
- Understand what a variable is and explain how variables can be used to control systems
Term 2
Small Basic Programming
- Learn how to write and run a simple Small Basic program using turtle graphics
- To use a For..EndFor loop to repeat a series of instructions several times
- To use variables in a program
- To draw different shapes using turtle graphics
- To use selection statements If…Then and If…Then…Else
- To use the RandomNumber function
- To use a While…EndWhile loop
Term 3
HTML Programming
- Understand that the WWW and what HTML is and what it is used for
- Type basic HTML tags and edit the HTML code and view the changes in a browser
- Learn how CSS and write CSS code to set styles
- Learn the main principles of good website design
- Learn how to create a consistent look and feel throughout a website
- Add well-formatted content, including text and images, to each page
- Create internal and external links and make sure they all work
Term 4
Apps for Good
- Understand what an app is and how it works
- Learn about the team roles and values available and what they entail
- Understand how to identify a problem and features from two apps they are familiar with e.g. touch screen, GPS, camera
- Identify local communities, the problems and impact the problem has on those affected
- Learn how to present a pitch for their chosen idea.
- Learn how identify the data an app will need
- Learn how to produce a paper prototype with the most essential features
Term 5
Python Programming
- Know what Python is and some of the applications it is used for
- Run a simple Python program in Interactive mode using the input and print functions
- Understand what a syntax error is and how to interpret an error message
- Understand the use and value of using comments
- Understand the importance of using correct data types: string, integer or float
- Write a program involving input, calculation
and output Use selection statements if, else and elif in a program
- Use a while loop in a program
Term 6
Cyber Security
- To understand how the internet services we use impact our digital footprint
- How to make informed choices around what you post to your social media and the etiquette around this
- How copyright and intellectual property relates to content shared on the internet
- To understand what constitutes ethical, respectful behaviour on social media
- To understand how to keep yourself and your account safe
IT and Digital Literacy
Students have a lesson every two weeks dedicated to ICT and will begin with learning how to produce an E=Safety movie, following on from this they will develop some basic techniques within MS Excel and finally produce an Advert using Audacity.
Term 1 and 2
Spreadsheet Modelling
- To learn how to use Excel
- To know the techniques needed to generate a spreadsheet – inputting numbers, formatting, formulae, vlookups, and inserting pictures
- To understand the importance of using techniques to allow your spreadsheet to update automatically
- To complete a project based on what you have learnt
Term 3 and 4
Sound Editing using Audacity
- To identify different sound file types
- To learn how record, apply effects and delete sounds in Audacity
- To explain the process of converting analogue sound waves to digital format
- To be able to explain how an advert is suitable for audience and purpose
- To learn how to design an advert
- To learn how to assemble sound files into a radio advert
- To learn how to export to an appropriate file type
Term 5 and 6
E-Safety using Movie Maker
- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of a range of ways of communicating on the Internet
- To learn how to design a movie using a story board
- Learn how to utilise features and effects to create a movie using MoviePlus
- To be able to explain how the movie is suitable for audience and purpose
- Learn how to edit a movie using MoviePlus
- Learn how to export a movie into an appropriate file type
What will my child learn in Year 9?
Computer Science
Students have a lesson each week dedicated to Computer Science, beginning with understanding about the parts of a computer, before moving onto Searching/Sorting Algorithms and developing their programming knowledge through using Python. Understanding how to produce web-ages using HTML. Finally, students will learn about some legal ethical issues in relation to Computing and AI learning.
Term 1
Understanding Computers
- Distinguish between hardware and software
- Identify input, output and storage devices and the purpose of the CPU
- Explain what RAM and ROM are used for
- Data Representation
- State the typical capacities, strengths and weaknesses of different storage devices
- Discuss the different ways and applications in which modern technology is used
Term 2
Python Next Steps
- Correctly read and understand an existing Python program
- Recall different data types
- Write an if-else statement
- Use a while/for loop to repeat a section of code
- Be able to store and update values in a list
- Understand what a procedure is
- Understand what a function is
Term 3
AI and Machine Learning
- Understand the origin and uses of AI
- Describe uses of machine learning
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of machine learning
- Understand what ethics is
- Understand how jobs can be affected by AI
and automation
- Understand issues that make facial recognition difficult
Term 4
Apps for Good
- Understand what an app is and how it works
- Learn about the team roles and values available and what they entail
- Understand how to identify a problem and features from two apps they are familiar with e.g. touch screen, GPS, camera
- Identify local communities, the problems and impact the problem has on those affected
- Learn how to present a pitch for their chosen idea.
- Learn how identify the data an app will need
- Learn how to produce a paper prototype with the most essential features
Term 5
Searching/Sorting Algorithms
- Understand the principles of computational thinking including Abstraction and Decomposition
- Be able to produce structure diagrams to show the structure of a problem
- Understand and use different types of search: Binary search and Linear search
- Understand the standard sort algorithms: Bubble sort, Insertion sort and Merge sort
- Be able to apply each algorithm to a data set
- Understand flowchart symbols
- Create, interpret, correct, complete and refine algorithms using flowcharts
- Understand arithmetic operators and variables
Term 2
- Understand that the WWW is a huge collection of websites all over the world
- Learn the purpose of HTML and the tags used
- Learn how to edit the HTML code and view the changes in a browser
- Learn how to use CSS, write CSS to set styles,
- Learn the principles of good website design
- Learn how to use tags to add text and images,
- Learn how to create links
- Learn how to create a web form
- Learn how to test web page content
IT and Digital Literacy
Students have a lesson every two weeks dedicated to ICT and will begin with learning how to use MS Excel to produce a costing model, before database design and learning some Imedia theory producing an album cover using PhotoPlus.
Term 1 and 2
Database Design
- Understand what a database is and why it is useful
- Learn what is meant by a flat file database, record, field
- Learn how to create queries using multiple criteria and parameters
- Learn how to design a database with one or two tables
- Learning how to a validation
- Learn how to add a calculated field
- Learn how to create a form and make it user-friendly
- Find, enter, modify and delete records using a form
- Create a report based on a query
Term 3
Image Editing
- To identify the purpose and properties of digital graphics
- To lean how to design an Album Cover
- To learn how to remove part of an image
- To learn how to create layers
- To learn how to re-size an image
- To learn how to use blend modes and saturation
- To learn how to use effects and enhancements
- To learn how to add text
- To learn how to export an image from an application
Term 4
IMedia Theory
Legal Considerations:
- The purpose of, and reasons for, each legal consideration
- What is required of media producers to comply with each legal consideration
- The impact on individuals and media producers of media producers using and publishing inaccurate personal information
Intellectual Property Rights:
- Know what is meant by intellectual property
- The purpose of, and reasons for, legislation to protect intellectual property
- What is required of media producers to respect intellectual property rights
- How and when intellectual property can be protected
- The implications for media producers of using copyrighted materials without permission
Term 5 and 6
Spreadsheet Modelling
- To learn how to use Excel
- To know the techniques needed to generate a spreadsheet – inputting numbers, formatting, formulae, vlookups, and inserting pictures
- To understand the importance of using techniques to allow your spreadsheet to update automatically
- To complete a project based on what you have learnt
What will my child learn in Year 10?
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Term 1/2
Component 1: Computer Systems
Systems Architecture:
- The CPU and its function.
- To understand ‘embedded systems’
Memory and Storage:
- The purpose of RAM/ROM in computer systems and Virtual Memory
- The need for secondary storage/types and advantages/disadvantages
- Units of data and capacity
- Binary Conversions/Additions/Shifts/Hexadecimal
Component 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Programming Techniques:
- How to identify and use variables,
- How to understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program
- How to understand and use suitable loops
- How to understand and use basic file handling
- How to define and use arrays and use functions/sub programs
Term 3/4
Component 1: Computer Systems
Data Storage:
- Characters, Images, Sound, Compression
Networks and Topologies:
- Network Types/Topologies/Factors that affect networks
Wired and wireless networks:
- Connection/Encryption/Protocols
Component 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Principles of computational thinking:
- Algorithmic thinking
- Pseudocode
- Flowcharts
- Identify common errors
- Trace tables
Term 5/6
Component 3: Programming Project
The Programming Project provides an opportunity for learners to demonstrate their practical ability and skills they have acquired so far. The Programming Project requires learners to create a solution to a set problem.
Creative IMedia (new from 2022)
Term 1/2
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Topic Area 2: Factors influencing product design
2.1 How style, content and layout are linked to the purpose
2.2 Client requirements and how they are defined
2.3 Audience demographics and segmentation
2.4 Research methods, sources and types of data
R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
1.1 Purpose, elements and design of visual identity
2.1 Graphic design and conventions
2.2 Properties of digital graphics and use of assets
2.3 Techniques to plan visual identity and digital graphics
Term 3/4
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Topic Area 2: Factors influencing product design
2.5 Media codes used to convey meaning, create impact and/or engage audiences
Topic Area 3: Pre-production planning
3.1 Work planning
3.2 Documents used to support ideas generation
3.3 Documents used to design and plan media products
R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
3.1 Tools and techniques of imaging editing software used to create digital graphics
3.2 Technical skills to source, create and prepare assets for use within digital graphics
3.3 Techniques to save and export visual identity and digital graphics
Term 5/6
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Topic Area 1: The media industry
1.1 Media industry sectors and products
Learning about the Sectors of the media industry
Learning about Products in the media industry
1.2 Job roles in the media industry
Unit R097: Interactive digital media
Topic Area 1: Plan interactive digital media
1.1 Types of interactive digital media, content and associated hardware
1.2 Features and conventions of interactive digital media
What will my child learn in Year 11?
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Term 1/2
Component 1: Computer Systems
Systems Architecture:
- The CPU and its function.
- To understand ‘embedded systems’
Memory and Storage:
- The purpose of RAM/ROM in computer systems and Virtual Memory
- The need for secondary storage/types and advantages/disadvantages
- Units of data and capacity
- Binary Conversions/Additions/Shifts/Hexadecimal
Component 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Programming Techniques:
- How to identify and use variables,
- How to understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program
- How to understand and use suitable loops
- How to understand and use basic file handling
- How to define and use arrays and use functions/sub programs
Term 3/4
Component 1: Computer Systems
Data Storage:
- Characters, Images, Sound, Compression
Networks and Topologies:
- Network Types/Topologies/Factors that affect networks
Wired and wireless networks:
- Connection/Encryption/Protocols
Component 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
- Principles of computational thinking
- Algorithmic thinking
- Pseudocode
- Flowcharts
- Identify common errors
- Trace tables
Term 5
Creative IMedia (new from 2022)
Term 1/2
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Topic Area 3: Pre-production planning
3.4.1 Legal considerations to protect individuals
3.4.2 Intellectual property rights
3.4.3 Regulation, certification, and classification
Unit R097: Interactive digital media
1.3 Resources required to create interactive digital media products
1.4 Pre-production and planning documentation and techniques for interactive digital media
Topic Area 2: Create interactive digital media
2.1 Technical skills to create and/or edit and manage assets for use within interactive digital media products
2.3 Technical skills to create interactive digital media
Term 3/4
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Topic Area 3: Pre-production planning
3.4.4 Health and safety
Topic Area 4: Distribution considerations
4.1 Distribution platforms and media to reach audiences
4.2 Properties and formats of media files
Unit R097: Interactive digital media
Topic Area 2: Create interactive digital media
2.4 Techniques to save and export/publish interactive digital media
Topic Area 3: Review interactive digital media
3.1 Techniques to test/check and review interactive digital media
3.2 Improvements and further developments
Term 5
What will my child learn in Year 12?
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Computing
Term 1/2
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Aim A Hardware and software
- Aim B: Computer Architecture
- Aim C: Data Representation
Unit 7: IT Systems Security and Encryption
- Aim A: Understand current IT security threats, information security and the legal requirements affecting the security of IT systems
- Aim B: Investigate cryptographic techniques and processes used to protect data
Term 3/4
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Aim C: Data Representation
- Aim D: How data is organised on computer systems
- Aim E: How data is transmitted by computer systems
- Aim F: The use of logic and data flow in computer systems
Unit 7: IT Systems Security and Encryption
- Aim C: Examine the techniques used to protect an IT system from security threats
- Aim D: Implement strategies to protect an IT system from security threats
Term 5/6
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
Term 1/2
Aim A: The purpose and structure of relational database management systems
- A1 Relational database management systems
- A2 Manipulating data structures and data in relational databases
- A3 Normalisation
Aim B: Standard methods and techniques to design relational database solutions
- B1 Relational database design
- B2 Design documentation
Aim C: Creating a relation database structure
- C1 Producing a database solution
- C2 Testing and refining the database solution
Aim A: Explore the impact of social media on the ways in which businesses promote their products and services
- A1 Social media websites
- A2 Business uses of social media
- A3 Risks and issues
Aim B: Develop a plan to use social media in a business to meet requirements
- B1 Social media planning processes
- B2 Business requirements
- B3 Content planning and publishing
- B4 Developing an online community
- B5 Developing a social media policy
- B6 Reviewing and refining plans
Term 3/4
Aim C: Creating a relation database structure
- C1 Producing a database solution
- C2 design Testing and refining the database solution
Aim D: Evaluating a database development project
- D1 Database evaluation
- D2 Evaluation of database testing
- D3 Evaluation of the database
Learning aim C: Implement the use of social media in a
- C1 Creating accounts and profiles
- C2 Content creation and publication
- C3 Implementation of online community building
- C4 Data gathering and analysis
- C5 Skills, knowledge and behaviours
Term 5/6
Unit 1: Information Technology Systems
Aim A: Digital devices in IT systems
- A1 Digital devices, their functions and use
- A2 Peripheral devices and media
- A4 Emerging technologies
- A5 Choosing IT systems
- Exam Practise
What will my child learn in Year 13?
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Computing
Term 1 & 2
Unit 14: Computer Games Development
- A - Investigate technologies used in computer gaming
- A.P1 Explain scial and technological trends of computer games.
- A.P2 Explain hw current and emerging technologies impact computer games’ design and development
- A.M1 Discuss hw current and emerging technologies impact on how games are designed and developed to meet the requirements of the users and the larger computer games industry
- A.D1 Evaluate the impact f current and emerging technologies on the design and development of computer games to meet the requirements of the users and the computer games industry.
- B - Design a computer game to meet client requirements
- B.P3 Prduce designs for a computer game that meet client requirements.
- B.P4 Review the designs with thers to identify and inform refinements.
- B.M2 Justify decisins made, showing how the design will fulfil its purpose and client requirements.
- C - Develop a computer game to meet client requirements
- C.P5 Prduce a computer game to meet client requirements.
- C.P6 Test a cmputer game for functionality, usability, stability and performance.
- C.P7 Review the extent t which the computer game meets client requirements.
- C.M3 Optimise a cmputer game to meet client requirements.
- BC.D2 Evaluate the design and ptimised computer game against client requirements.
- BC.D3 Demnstrate individual responsibility, creativity and effective self-management in the design, development and review of a computer game
Term 3 & 4
Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science
- Aim A: Computational Thinking
- Understanding Decmposition, Pattern Recognition, Generalisation and Abstraction
- Understanding Algrithm Design
- Aim B: Standard methods and techniques used to develop algorithms
- Prduce, apply and interpret pseudocode statements
- Interpret, prduce and develop flowcharts
- Aim C: Programming paradigms - Selecting, applying, using and interpreting:
- Cmmon data-handling techniques
- General mathematical expressins within computing structures
- Cmmon functions
- Validatin techniques
- Cmmon programming control structures
- Cmmon data structures
- Standard algrithms
- Aim D: Types of programming and mark-up languages
- Interpret, analyse, debug and evaluate the use f code written using procedural programming paradigms
- Interpret, analyse, debug and evaluate the use f code written using object orientated programming paradigms
- Interpret, analyse, debug and evaluate the use f code written using event driven programming paradigms
- Interpret, analyse and evaluate the use f code written for web languages
- The issues and implicatins of translating code between programming languages
- Exam practise
Term 5 & 6
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
Term 1/2
Unit 1: Information Technology Systems
Aim B: Transmitting data
- B1 Connectivity
- B2 Networks
- B3 Issues relating to transmission of data
Exam practise
Aim C: Operating online
- C1 Online systems
- C2 Online communities
- Exam practise for PPE
Unit 6: Website Development
Learning Aim A: Understand the principles of website development
- A1 Purpose and principles of website products
- A2 Factors affecting website performance
Learning aim B: Design a website to meet client requirements
- B1 Website design
- B2 Common tools and techniques used to produce websites
Term 3/4
Exam Practise for PPE
Aim D: Protecting data and information
- D1 Threats to data, information and systems
- D2 Protecting data
Aim E: Impact of IT systems
- E1 Online services
- E2 Impact on organisations
- E3 Using and manipulating data
Aim F: Issues
- F1 Moral and ethical issues
- F2 Legal issues
- Exam Practise for PPE
Unit 6: Website Development
Learning aim C: Develop a website to meet client requirements
- C1 Client-side scripting languages
- C2 Website development
- C3 Website review
- C4 Website optimisation
- C5 Skills, knowledge and behaviours
Term 5/6
Accommodation and Resources
The computing department has five dedicated purpose built rooms. The rooms are all very spacious and all have between 24 and 28 computers, printing facilities, teacher stations and interactive boards. The school also has an ethos of ensuring IT resources are based in other departments to allow IT to be taught across the curriculum as well as supporting the delivering of those subjects. To this end there are 11 Laptop Trolleys and a further 6 dedicated network rooms, in all there are approximately 850 computers in the school for students to use.
Extra-Curricular Activities
In the Computing department we open the rooms up at lunchtimes and after school for students to continue with work or to develop new skills. In addition to this we offer a chance for students to develop their programming skills in the Space Club or take part in an exciting Esports competition.
Extended Opportunities For Learning
All computing courses are based on the schools Learning Platform. This is used to set and assess student work. Students can access this information from any computer that has internet access. The department also runs regular workshops to support KS4 and KS5 students. All students also have access to remote desktop from any internet connected devices giving them access to their work and many of the schools software packages.