Exam Results, DfE Performance and Ofsted
"Fulston Manor is a kind school committed to providing a safe, welcoming and friendly place to learn. Pupils are happy and safe. Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and conduct"
"Staff want pupils to achieve well, recognising education as the gateway to a successful and aspirational future".
"Relationships are strong and supportive. The culture of celebration, reward and pride is evident. Pupils feel they are part of the Fulston Family"
"The school offers a broad range of subjects which exceed the requirements of the national curriculum. The sixth form curriculum offer is extensive and bespoke"
"Teachers are well-equipped to deliver the curriculum and have secure subject knowledge"
"Leaders’ actions are leading to improvements in attendance, particularly persistent absentees"
"The sixth form is highly regarded and is a popular destination… Year 13 students have developed high levels of independence, understanding and knowledge retention. This prepares them very well for the future. Pastoral support is particularly strong"
Please use the link below to access our most recent Ofsted report.
Department for Education
Below is a link to the Department for Education's performance table page for Fulston Manor School.
Here you can find a host of useful information regarding the school's performance, characteristics and spending per student data and our latest set of financial accounts.