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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

Exams and Results

Who can I contact?

Mr R Prutton (Assistant Headteacher) or Mr Springett (Examinations Secretary) via the Assessment Office.

What do I need to know for my examinations?

KS4 Examination Regulations 2024

KS5 Examination Regulations 2024

Examinations Timetable 2024/25

Year 13 PPE Timetable

Regulations Information

Here are links to some documents that provide information to candidates about examinations:

1. Information for candidates - Coursework

2. Information for candidates - Non-exam Assessments 

3. Information for candidates - On-Screen Tests

4. Information for candidates - Privacy Notice

5. Information for candidates - Social Media

6. Information for candidates - Unauthorised Items

7. Information for candidates - Written Exams

8. Information for candidates - Warning to Candidates

Examination Results Days

Summer 2025:

GCE Results Day - Thursday 14th August 2025

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 21st August 2025

For students who cannot collect their own results, they can designate someone else to collect them. The designated person MUST bring a letter from the student and photographic proof of identification for themselves.

If results need to be sent home a stamped self-addressed envelope, handed in to reception or the Assessment Office, will be required.

Under no circumstances will results be issued over the phone.

Examination Certificates

The Awarding Bodies issue certificates well after the examinations have taken place. The school holds a Presentation Evening in September where students are handed a school produced certificate for their records. The Awarding Body certificates are then available for collection the following December/January.

If you cannot collect your certificates

For students who cannot collect their own certificates, they can designate someone else to collect them using the certificates collection authority. The designated person MUST bring photographic proof of identification for themselves along with them.

What happens if I do not collect my certificates?

Please be aware that certificates only need to be retained by the school for 12-months before they are securely destroyed. Therefore, it is important that you collect your certificates as soon as possible, by arrangement with the Assessment Office, to ensure that you do not have to pay for expensive replacements. Ex-students who believe they may have certificates held by the school should email [email protected] requesting advice on whether their certificates are available, giving the following information:

  • Full Legal Name at the time the examinations were taken
  • Date of Birth
  • Year of leaving Fulston Manor

Where certificates are held by the school and you are unable to collect them (by appointment) in person, it is possible to make alternative arrangements, as long as these are received in writing in advance of your request. The certificates collection authority can be downloaded, filled in and posted back to a third party making an appointment with the Assessment Office, or with the appropriate attached funds to cover the postage of your certificates.

If there are any questions relating to examinations then contact Mr Springett (Ext 211).