The school operates a House system, every child being allocated to a Tutor Group within one of the four Houses prior to admission. Although teaching groups are drawn from all the Houses and students may change sets, they will remain in the same House throughout key stages 3 and 4, after which they will transfer to the Sixth Form. This provides a level of consistency and security essential for all students as well as offering a fixed contact point for parents; all enquiries or exchanges of information are channelled through the Heads of House.
The House is also the main social unit of the school. Purpose built House areas are used as dining rooms at lunchtimes and as places where members of the House may meet and relax. The provision of such amenities helps to foster the good relationships which exist between students of all ages and abilities within the school.
A spirit of friendly rivalry exists between the Houses, rivalry which is given ample opportunity to manifest itself in a wide range of inter-house competitions. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of pride in their House, working not just for themselves but for others. Charity fund raising activities are also organised on a House as well as a school basis, further fostering the concept of a caring community which is central to the aims of Fulston Manor.