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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

School Captain's Welcome

Welcome From Harriette Phillips, School Captain

Hello, my name is Harriette Phillips, and I am currently a School Captain at Fulston Manor School. During my time here I have always felt so welcomed by the amazing staff, particularly the Creative and Performing departments, and have often taken part in multiple school productions. This has allowed me to showcase my unique style of Ballroom and Latin dance and I always feel accepted by my peers and other teachers.

I decided to attend Fulston Manor 5 years ago, due to its amazing reputation and fantastic opportunities in Performing Arts and Sports. I auditioned for one of our prestigious Sports and Performing Arts Scholarships and was lucky enough to get a place.







One of the aspects I particularly love about Fulston is the range of extra-curricular clubs on offer across a range of different subjects. For example, throughout my time here I have managed to take part in Drama, Dance and Choir Clubs. In these sessions, we are encouraged to try new things and see what interests us as students. Fulston Manor offers a huge amount of opportunities for students of all different interests and ages, from Science Club to Netball Club and many more.