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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

Sixth Form Home-School Contract

This contract outlines the terms and conditions under which you will undertake your study in the Sixth Form at Fulston Manor School. All items listed in this contract are at the discretion of the Head of Sixth Form or School.

Expectations & Procedures

  • The Sixth Form should not and cannot be viewed as an 8.45am to 3.15pm experience. All students are expected to stay on until at least 4.15pm should a member of staff require it. This is a minimum expectation.
  • All students must arrive in school by 8.40am each day and attend tutor at 8.45am.         
  • Wherever possible you should arrange medical appointments and driving lessons/tests outside of school hours. For medical appointments, please provide an appointment card or letter to our Pastoral Team.
  • Students wishing to make changes to their subject choices must discuss their options with all parties concerned, including parents/carers, before final decisions are made by the Head of Sixth Form.
  • Lateness, truancy or misuse of independent study time can result in signing out entitlements being withdrawn or compulsory attendance of after school sessions.
  • Independent study time is a feature of sixth form life and is built into your timetable. You can make your own suitable arrangements as to where to carry out such work and study, although the Sixth Form Centre is well-equipped for this purpose. All courses work to deadlines and these must be met at all times.
  • All sixth form students are also expected to work at home and a minimum of 6–8 hours a week of self-study is essential.
  • All sixth form students are expected to set an example to other students in our school in their standard of dress (see Sixth Form Dress Code) and conduct around our school site.
  • To ensure that you fully realise your academic potential, you should restrict the amount of paid work that you do outside of school to a minimum. You should avoid working more than 12 hours per week and should NOT work before 4.30pm on any school day.
  • Students are only permitted to eat and drink in the Sixth Form Common Room and outside seating area (drinks with lids are permitted in the Study Zone). You have a responsibility to keep the Sixth Form Centre clean and tidy - it is yours to look after.
  • Receiving and making phones calls on mobile phones is only permitted in the Sixth Form Common Room. Additional use of mobile phones is permitted as outlined in our Mobile Phone Policy.
  • All Year 12 students must arrange and successfully complete a week of work experience during the Summer Term.

Partner Schools

For those completing courses at our partnership schools, you must comply with partner school procedures for signing in and out and leave partner schools once a lesson is completed.


If continued or serious complaints regarding the conduct of students are received and further action is deemed necessary, the following procedure will be used:

Verbal Warning: To be given by the Head of Sixth Form.
Written Warning 1: Warning confirmed in writing, parents/carers will have the opportunity to meet with the Head of Sixth Form.
Written Warning 2: Serious or continuing problems will result in Head of Sixth Form informing parents/carers and Executive Headteacher in writing. Parents/carers are invited into school and temporary exclusion is possible.
Permanent exclusion: Whilst it is rare for matters to reach this stage, serious breaches of our school rules, or continued breaches could trigger this severe sanction. Appeals are possible.