Term 1 Rotation 1
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Review Health and Safety
- Sewing machine skills year 8 - introduction to stitch guide
- Developing decorative stitching skills
Term 2
Rotation 1
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 3
Rotation 1
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 4
Rotation 2
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Review Health and Safety
- Sewing machine skills year 8 - introduction to stitch guide
- Developing decorative stitching skills
Term 5
Rotation 2
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 6
Rotation 2
Year 8: Organic Forms - Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms